Our Story

Have you ever popped into the garden shop, local hardware or grocery store and come out beaming with a green bundle of jungle in your hands? Excited and hopeful about the new addition to the family and home. 

You find it the perfect spot and set it down, and it looks so good and so lush!

Then a few months later, your bundle of jungle is sad, shriveled and crispy, sulking in the corner? You forgot it in direct sun or over-watered it and then under-watered it... and then, as a last resort you tried to revive it with some plant food...  

Well, yes, I've been there. Far too many times!

And so the idea of Vesi was born - a hydro plant décor option for the not-so green-thumbed. Vesi means water and water is one of the most, if not the most, important element of a thriving indoor plant.  

Vesi plants are the perfect solution for those who travel, have busy lifestyles or just want a 'set and forget' option. You get all the benefits of having an indoor plant; the vibe, the lush foliage and the air-purifying qualities without the rigid water schedules or the mess. 

The only thing your hydroponic plant needs is water. Your plant will take everything it needs from the water, not only to survive, but to thrive! All you need to do is change the water every 1 to 2 weeks.

The epitome of simplicity!